Recent Posts

27 February 2009

Member Profile: Swaydehead

Shop: Ten Shillings and Six Pence by Swaydehead

You can find her online:

How she became interested in burlesque:
My interest in burlesque sort of came from my love of it's fashion. I believe I started to become interested when I participated in a local fetish night at my favorite club. And I started to notice the girls dressing this particular way. I've always been fond of the fashion from old time Hollywood. But I had never seen this modernized version. As I did research on the old burlesque shows, and it's stars, I fell in love. In fact, that's how I found out about Etsy. I was looking for some mini top hats. And there are so many beautiful hats being made here. I decided that I could make them myself, and then I decided to sell them. I sell a lot of my hats at the fetish night I mentioned above. And we do some burlesque theme nights where we will invite some local burlesque dancers and have themed vendors - including me.

How she plans to participate in Etsy's Burlesque Beauties:
I've always wanted to join a team, and I can't think of one that would interest me more. I plan on mainly learning, as I am still new to Etsy. I've only recently been participating in forums and asking questions about how to improve.

What she sells on Etsy:
I don't have a ton listed on Etsy yet, as I'm trying to get better images. But I plan on selling mini top hats, cocktail hats, pillbox hats, headbands, brooches and fascinators that I've already made. I will also be selling some lovely hats that I have found in vintage stores. I buy them and try to fix them up. I also have started to make jewelry. All of my items have a retro feel to them. At least i think so. And I am hoping to get most of my stuff listed in the next week or two.


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