Recent Posts
09 January 2010
Member Profile: Hexotica
Posted by
Boudoir Betty
Shop: Hexotica
You can find her online:
How she became interested in burlesque:
My interest arose in my early 20's out of interest in Christopher Isherwood's Berlin Stories, which led to looking up the music of Kurt Weill, Bretolt Brech, The Threepenny Opera, then on to Marlene Dietrich and Edith Piaf.
It then continued in my mid-20's with goth clubbing and becoming enamored with the "Cabaret Goth" look, which had a lot to do with Marilyn Manson's marriage to Dita von Teese. I started making accessories for my costumes for clubbing then.
Now in my 30's I am more involved in the rockabilly sub-culture which is where half the burlesque performers hang out and regularly perform at clubs. Half my friends are performers and I make costume accessories for them!
How she plans to participate in Etsy's Burlesque Beauties:
I had also looked for a burlesque team when I joined Etsy! I found you by looking up all the old post on burlesque to see who else was out there. I could only find a gothic-oriented team so I joined that but I'd much rather focus on burlesque accessories and style. The Dark Side Street Team is amazing though, so I'd love to participate in some of the same kinds of activities, such as cross-promoting, adding to forums, swaps, blogging, etc.
What she sells on Etsy:
Chokers, necklaces, earrings, fascinators, mini-hats, bow clips, and ostrich feather pens. I am planning to start making more performance-props and flashier burlesque accessories.
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