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15 January 2010

Member Profile: Maxine in Trousers

Shop: Maxine in Trousers

You can find her online:
How she became interested in burlesque:
I've always enjoyed anything vintage, retro, and pinup - especially movies (I'm a bit of an old movie geek), clothes, jewelry, art and tattoos. Maybe it goes back to my love of Mae West when I was growing up - she always struck me as a force to be reckoned with. Burlesque has an amazing tradition and I'm glad to see it enjoying a revival because its an awesome way for women to feel empowered and have fun.

While I am not currently involved in burlesque, I'm thinking about getting involved in performing in the future.

How she plans to participate in Etsy's Burlesque Beauties:
I'd really like to have a presence at some of the area shows and get involved in cross-promotion with troupes. Its nice to have a community and I'm looking forward to exchanging ideas and supporting fellow crafters.

What she sells on Etsy:
Right now its mostly fascinators, headbands, pasties and some jewelry. I used to make a lot more jewelry, so I may add a bit more of that into the mix. I'm also interested in millinery and would like to expand into making more cocktail hats.


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