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20 January 2010

Member Profile: Tart Deco

Shop: Tart Deco

You can find her online:
How she became interested in burlesque:
I love 1920s & 30s looks, as well as pinup and many of my accessories can crossover into burlesque. I started to take burlesque dance classes and hope to again in the future :)

How she plans to participate in Etsy's Burlesque Beauties:
I can participate in most online things that the group does, like blogs (including posting articles), promotion, etc. I will also be willing to donate product occasionally for team promotion. I can do events in my area during the summer and occasionally the rest of the year.

What she sells on Etsy:
I mostly sell handmade hair accessories that use repurposed vintage pieces and vintage style supplies. I also sell actual vintage items from the 1920s-1960s.


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