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26 January 2010

Member Profile: Gretas Pretty Things

You can find her online:
How she became interested in burlesque:
I've always been interested in retro and vintage things, especially old movies. When I first saw a picture of Dita Von Teese, I was fascinated - who was this fabulous woman who dressed out of another era? That is how I discovered burlesque.

I was sort of a burlesque "lurker" for a while, doing research and learning about different performers, until I saw an audition posted for a burlesque show locally down here in Richmond, VA. I went to the audition, and the woman running it - Runaround Sue - liked my stuff, and decided to work with a newbie to prep for the show. I've performed in 3 shows since March, and have another lined up for this weekend!

I have my own little gimmick, of course. I'm a tap dancer, so I incorporate that into a lot of my numbers. But with my interest in costume design, I take great pleasure in designing my pasties, costumes, and accessories as well.

How she plans to participate in Etsy's Burlesque Beauties:
I just want to help spread the love and beauty that is burlesque! I love the sound of the monthly theme... I need something like that to keep my creative juices flowing. Mostly, though, I'm fairly new to Etsy, and hope to use this team as continuous inspiration to keep creativity in my shop, even if I'm having a hard time making a sale.

What she sells on Etsy:
Hair flowers on combs, pasties, some jewelry, and fascinators coming soon!

22 January 2010

Member Profile: Joolz

Shop: Joolz

You can find her online:

How she became interested in burlesque:
I love the look of burlesque and I create jewelery for a couple of burlesque girls - would like to do more.

How she plans to participate in Etsy's Burlesque Beauties:
I'm always happy to help out with promos, doing swaps etc.

What she sells on Etsy:
Jewelry - necklaces, chokers, bracelets, earrings

20 January 2010

Member Profile: Tart Deco

Shop: Tart Deco

You can find her online:
How she became interested in burlesque:
I love 1920s & 30s looks, as well as pinup and many of my accessories can crossover into burlesque. I started to take burlesque dance classes and hope to again in the future :)

How she plans to participate in Etsy's Burlesque Beauties:
I can participate in most online things that the group does, like blogs (including posting articles), promotion, etc. I will also be willing to donate product occasionally for team promotion. I can do events in my area during the summer and occasionally the rest of the year.

What she sells on Etsy:
I mostly sell handmade hair accessories that use repurposed vintage pieces and vintage style supplies. I also sell actual vintage items from the 1920s-1960s.

15 January 2010

Member Profile: Maxine in Trousers

Shop: Maxine in Trousers

You can find her online:
How she became interested in burlesque:
I've always enjoyed anything vintage, retro, and pinup - especially movies (I'm a bit of an old movie geek), clothes, jewelry, art and tattoos. Maybe it goes back to my love of Mae West when I was growing up - she always struck me as a force to be reckoned with. Burlesque has an amazing tradition and I'm glad to see it enjoying a revival because its an awesome way for women to feel empowered and have fun.

While I am not currently involved in burlesque, I'm thinking about getting involved in performing in the future.

How she plans to participate in Etsy's Burlesque Beauties:
I'd really like to have a presence at some of the area shows and get involved in cross-promotion with troupes. Its nice to have a community and I'm looking forward to exchanging ideas and supporting fellow crafters.

What she sells on Etsy:
Right now its mostly fascinators, headbands, pasties and some jewelry. I used to make a lot more jewelry, so I may add a bit more of that into the mix. I'm also interested in millinery and would like to expand into making more cocktail hats.

10 January 2010

Naughty Etsy Twitter List

Check out my Naughty Etsy Twitter List. Did I miss you? Let me know @BoudoirBetty. I'm trying to get all the Burlesque Beauties plus some bonus sexy etsians.

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Bombshell Challenge: Valentine's Day

January's theme for the Bombshell Challenge is Valentine's Day. So, you have until January 30th to post a Valentine's Day themed item to Etsy and then leave the link here in the comments. Don't forget to tag your item on etsy with "BombshellChallenge." Happy Crafting.
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09 January 2010

2010 Etsy Burlesque Beauty Team News

I'm aiming to make 2010 the year that the Burlesque Beauties really start to shine! In other words, I'm getting my shit together on this project girls, so prepare for a year of fabulousness! I've just finished updating our team roster, and the BB now has 29 members!

First up, The Bombshell Challenge. What is the Bombshell Challenge? It is a monthly blog/etsy event. Each month each member creates an item for their etsy shop inspired by the monthly "Theme" posting a link to their creation in the comments for for that month's Bombshell Challenge Blog article. All entries are featured on the Boudoir Beauties blog, and the blog of any team member who chooses to post. At the end of the month team members vote on their favorite item and the winner gets featured in their very own article on our blog. For example, someone might choose the theme “circus” and then team members may decide to make top hats, lion tamer whips, tiger stripped pasties…you get the idea. Participation is strictly optional but very much encouraged. Here are your themes ladies:
  • January Valentine's Day
  • February Passion
  • March CanCan
  • April Feathers
  • May Temptress
  • June Gil Elvgren Pin-up Girls
  • July Moulin Rouge
  • August Diamonds
  • September School Girl
  • October Winter Holidays
  • November Animal
  • December Top Hat
I'm so looking forward to what you gals come up with!

Member Profile: Hexotica

Shop: Hexotica

You can find her online:
How she became interested in burlesque:
My interest arose in my early 20's out of interest in Christopher Isherwood's Berlin Stories, which led to looking up the music of Kurt Weill, Bretolt Brech, The Threepenny Opera, then on to Marlene Dietrich and Edith Piaf.

It then continued in my mid-20's with goth clubbing and becoming enamored with the "Cabaret Goth" look, which had a lot to do with Marilyn Manson's marriage to Dita von Teese. I started making accessories for my costumes for clubbing then.

Now in my 30's I am more involved in the rockabilly sub-culture which is where half the burlesque performers hang out and regularly perform at clubs. Half my friends are performers and I make costume accessories for them!

How she plans to participate in Etsy's Burlesque Beauties:
I had also looked for a burlesque team when I joined Etsy! I found you by looking up all the old post on burlesque to see who else was out there. I could only find a gothic-oriented team so I joined that but I'd much rather focus on burlesque accessories and style. The Dark Side Street Team is amazing though, so I'd love to participate in some of the same kinds of activities, such as cross-promoting, adding to forums, swaps, blogging, etc.

What she sells on Etsy:
Chokers, necklaces, earrings, fascinators, mini-hats, bow clips, and ostrich feather pens. I am planning to start making more performance-props and flashier burlesque accessories.